Cllr James Cantwell Boston and Skegness Conservative Association Chairman Boston Borough Councillor for Five Villages Boston Lottery Manager Data Protection Officer Association OfficersBorough Councillors
Cllr Tom Ashton Boston and Skgeness Association Deputy Chairman Policy and Campaigning Lincolnshire County Councillor Tattershall Castle East Lindsey District Councillor for Sibsey & Stickney Association OfficersCounty CouncillorsDistrict Councillors
Dudley Bryant MBE Boston and Skegness Conservative Association President Boston Branch Committee Member Association Officers
Cllr Dick Edginton Chairman, Skegness Branch East Lindsey District Councillor for the Seacroft and Scarbourgh Ward Skegness Town Councillor for Woodlands Ward Hon. Vice-President of the Boston and Skegness Conservative Association Association OfficersDistrict CouncillorsTown CouncillorsBranch officers
Cllr Julie Sadler Conservative Women's Officer Skegness Town Councillor for Woodlands Ward Deputy Chairman Membership & Fundraising and Treasurer, Skegness Branch Association OfficersTown CouncillorsBranch officers
Matt Warman Hon. Vice-President of the Boston and Skegness Conservative Association Former MP for Boston and Skegness Parliamentary Spokesperson SpokespersonAssociation Officers
Ruth Street Hon. President for the Boston and Skegness Conservative Association Committee Member Boston Branch Association Officers
John Chapelle Boston and Skegness Conservative Association Deputy Chairman Membership and Finance Association Officers